Jack had more than friends,
he had special friendships.
He and I had a very special friendship,
which lasted nine years.
Our friendship was almost self-contained, in a way,
when we went places or did things together,
I never seemed to notice all the other people around us --
there was just as magnetic and direct a connection between us
as if we were the only two people in a piano room in
Tenafly High School or standing on the football field
during the Michigan-Michigan State game.
There's just one aspect of our friendship that I wanted to tell you about...
The other thing I want to describe briefly
are a few precious moments from the day I spent with Jack
this September...
Yetp, just a few weeks ago, I was in California
and finagled a way to spend a Sunday with him...
I was there to applaud when he did his first successful forward roll
on the highwire -- he was practicing for "The Circus of the Stars" --
I laughed when he pretended to be Dwight Stones jumping under the practice highwire that was just ten feet off the ground;
and --
I taught him how to say Rosh Hashanah for the telethon he was doing that night for the Burbank Jewish Community
And he lectured me on how terrible diet soda was for me and how I should drink papaya juice instead.
It was a fun day with my special friend, and it wasn't very long ago.